Saturday, October 25, 2008

News from UK

Was having dinner with the so-called ex-students (Teck Chuan, Vincent, Nick, Siew Yuen and Ryan), and listening to their experiences from UK... Vincent worked in a restaurant that provides fine dining - you have to really follow the serving rules, and have to wait until the customer top leave before you can call it a day. Sometimes you'll have to wait at the bar for them to leave. When they come for dinner, they spend the whole night there. -- reminds me of the time I spent in Wolski's, where serving customer was the enjoyable time for me (of course, the time working in kitchen Nick Smillie and friends, too!) Teck Chuan was busying selling i-phone through ebay, and feeling that he is sick of the i-phone. -- thinking that Jason Maciag, Raymond Cook must be having i-phone and busying trading the phone with other friends. They always have some new models from somewhere! Nick was talking about their experiences in banqueting. Sometimes they have to serve the people till late at night, and during the christmas time the work was just endless! There are times he worked for 12 hours continuously, and the pay was £5.5. -- reminds me of the time I worked in Headingley Experience as front of house member (although only few times), but this has given me a great experience to learn a lot! really have to thank a lot of people, like Liz, Louise, Feona, Andy, James, Rob, Phil... and many many more that I don't think I have space here to name them all - Thank you all front of house staff in Headingley Experience. Siew Yuen misses the time she spent in the German Market! Selling Candy and enjoying the Christmas there! -- Wow... sometimg I miss too! The Sausages there, the pizze, crepe, and many more! Ryan is now in Nottingham University (Malaysia Campus), and enjoyed listening to their experience.... -- it just the university life I miss... Of course, when talking UK, there are many people I miss too - Kitchen people like Steph, James, Phil, Barney, Simons; and FGS people like Jenna, Katy, Louisa, Colman, Jessica, Vincent, Edwin, Nicol, and many many more... thanks for the good memories you all give me! Wish one day I'll be there again to be with you all again!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The question of youth - shall i be happy or sad?

Case 1 Venue: Foon Hew High Shcool, Johor Bahru. I was on an education fair. While I was excitingly explain the Mechanical Engineering course to a student, he suddenly popped up with this question: Which year are you in now? --- WOW... what a nice feeling! I am close to 30 now, and yet been asked on what undergraduate year I am in! Case 2 Venue: INTI College Subang Jaya It was a team building camp for the secondary school teachers. I was part of the facilitating team. Together with me were students from INTI Subang Jaya. While Mr. Boh was conducting the evemt, some of us was chatting at the back - since we have nothing to do... then one student asked me: What semester you are in now? --- WOW... am I look like a student? this is great! Case 3 Venue: KL International Airport I was seeing my student LC off to UK. There was a representative from an university chatting with us. I commented that the Leeds sweatshirt may not be good looking, as the wording on it was not as much (LEEDS), but this guy went: So you should choose to come to this univeristy (this university has 10 characters) next time you are going to UK... --- I was thinking: WHAT??? I am not only look younger in other people's eye, but now look younger than MY STUDENT........ becomg my student's junior..... Well, shall I be happy because I look younger, or shall I be sad because I don't look mature enough as lecturer?...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


这几天来心情还算蛮复杂的。 上个星期就送了几位学生到了机场,看着他们飞往英国完成学士学位的最后最后一个阶段。在机场时心情就很低落了 - 当然不是因为离愁, 因为能看着他们飞到英国 - 一个我曾经在那里生活了5年的地方。 虽说回来大马很高兴,虽说那里没有归宿感,虽说回家感觉很好,但在某种程度上,我还是想念英国的,想念那里的天气,生活,朋友, 一切的一切。 今天在开车时听到HOME这首歌, 让我再度想起英国的那段日子, 很高兴我会来了, 希望在英国的那班学生也能有这样的感觉。。。 县给Lee Chou, Han Loong, Jeya, Wei Chuan, Chu En, Pin Yaw, Sam,慧颖,小强... 还有很多我没有机会目送的学生, 还有远在澳洲的梓鉴和毅航. Another summer day Has come and gone away In Paris and Rome But I wanna go home May be surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone I just wanna go home Oh, I miss you, you know And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you Each one a line or two“I’m fine baby, how are you?” Well I would send them but I know that it’s just not enough My words were cold and fla tAnd you deserve more than that Another aeroplane Another sunny place I’m lucky, I know But I wanna go home Mmmm, I’ve got to go home Let me go home I’m just too far from where you are I wanna come home And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s lifeIt’s like I just stepped outside When everything was going right And I know just why you could not Come along with me 'Cause this was not your dream But you always believed in me Another winter day has come And gone awayIn even Paris and Rome And I wanna go homeLet me go home And I’m surrounded byA million people I Still feel all alone Oh, let me go home Oh, I miss you, you know Let me go home I’ve had my runBaby, I’m done I gotta go homeLet me go home It will all be all rightI’ll be home tonight I’m coming back home

Friday, August 22, 2008


最近有點煩, 因為被一些比我想像中複雜的事發生在我身上. 有時想像,難道生活/人際關係不能單純一點嗎? 星期三, 一大班學生邀請我一起吃午餐慶祝考試完畢,也慶祝Y的生日(本來是晚上的,但為了配合我,改成中午),我也無可無不可的答應了,反正他們也為了我的時間做出了時間和地點上的調整了./ C知道了後, 給了我一個很難看兼很傷人的眼神 - 至少,從好友的角度來看, 這是很傷人的. 後來, 也沒有多和我說話, 找他講話, 也用很冷冷的語氣打發我走 - 感受到了那種熱熱的臉貼冷冷的屁股的感覺的我,當然選擇離開啦. 想來想去還是想不通, 我們不是單獨出去, 我們很久沒有聯絡了,這次是學生搞的活動, 吃完飯我也趕著離開了 - 須不須要為了這件事給我那種眼光啊? 唉, 無論如何, 讓我擁有疑點單純一點生活吧.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


一年了, 赫然發現, 那一段感情, 竟然只是海鳥和魚的相愛...

珊瑚海 珊瑚海作詞:方文山 作曲:周杰倫 編曲:鍾興民 女聲:梁心頤(Lara) (男)海平面遠方開始陰霾 悲傷要怎麼平靜純白 (男)我的臉上 始終挾帶 一抹淺淺的無奈 (女)你用唇語說你要離開 (男)心不在 (合)那難過無聲慢了下來 (合)洶湧潮水 你聽明白 (合)不是浪而是淚海 (男)轉身離開 分手說不出來 (女)你有話說不出來 (合)海鳥跟魚相愛 只是一場意外 (男)我們的愛 差異一直存在 (女)給的愛 差異一直存在 回不來 (男)風中塵埃 竟累積成傷害 (女)等待竟累積成傷害 (合)轉身離開 分手說不出來 (合)蔚藍的珊瑚海 錯過瞬間蒼白 (男)當初彼此 不夠成熟坦白 (女)你我都 不夠成熟坦白 不應該 (男)熱情不再 笑容勉強不來 (女)你的笑容勉強不來 (合)愛深埋珊瑚海 (男)毀壞的沙雕如何重來 有裂痕的愛怎麼重蓋 (男)只是一切 結束太快 你說你無法釋懷 (女)貝殼裡隱藏什麼期待 (男)等花兒開 (合)我們也已經無心再猜 (女)面向海風 (男)面向海風 (女)鹹鹹的愛 (男)鹹鹹的愛 (合)嚐不出還有未來 (男)轉身離開 分手說不出來 (女)你有話說不出來 (合)海鳥跟魚相愛 只是一場意外 (男)我們的愛 差異一直存在 (女)給的愛 差異一直存在 回不來 (男)風中塵埃 竟累積成傷害 (女)等待竟累積成傷害 (合)轉身離開 分手說不出來 (合)蔚藍的珊瑚海 錯過瞬間蒼白 (男)當初彼此 不夠成熟坦白 (女)你我都 不夠成熟坦白 不應該 (男)熱情不再 笑容勉強不來 (女)你的笑容勉強不來 (合)愛深埋珊瑚海

Thursday, June 05, 2008


很榮興的被邀請成為The Idol 2008 的裁判. 當同事知道這件事時, 第一個反應就是:你是不是要當SIMON? 天啊, 它和我差那麼遠, 我又不會那種熱諷冷嘲的話, 想我這種循循善誘的老師, 當然是說些鼓勵的話嘛. 說真的, 要當這種裁判還真不簡單. 除了要全神灌注看28 位參賽者表演之外, 還要給評語, 還要很頭痛的討論出入選的名單. 他們的表現都很不錯, 也看得出來他們很努力的向把這份榮譽帶回家.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008



麵包外層鋪上一層雞蛋(就是那種塗上雞蛋, 然後再拿去煎的那種), 再夾上厚厚的芝士. 香濃的芝士味夾雜在誘人的雞蛋麵包里, 恨不得有多幾的來吃.

小時後就喜歡這樣做. 把雞蛋涂在麵包上, 然後煎來吃. 很久沒有這樣做了, 也許, 有空會做做來看

謝謝啦, SC.


昨夜一晚都沒睡好. 可不是? 睡到一半, 聽到一陣很大聲的歌曲(還是我喜歡的那首歌), 還以為自己沒有把收音機關上, 然後翻身翻的優美到壓在遙控器的聲量鍵上. 看了看我那音響, 沒開. 這才察覺, 原來是樓下那班N-SERIES 我家隔壁樓下, 開著汽車音響- 老天. 惺忪的看了看時鐘 - 天啊, 凌晨00:29. 你看你看, 是不是折磨人啊! 10 分鐘後, 聲音還是很大, 沒有收檔的意思. 從窗口看了看, 就看到約有8-10 個N-SERIES , 两輛車. 他們在談天, 在跳舞. 心想, 做這種事情到沒人的地方, 在這裡擺明是干擾大家嘛! 15 分鐘後, 聲音停了. 因該是離開了, 但我也失眠了. 在床上滾來滾去, 直達01.30 才睡覺. 有時想想, 我還真恨死N-SERIES 了.但又有什麼辦法, 過去欠他的, 現在在緩債喔!

Monday, June 02, 2008


今天忙了一天, 什麼也沒有做完. 早上開始, 就開始忙著準備EGM 273 的考題. 到了現在, 還有两題沒有做完, 看來是要留給明天了. 之前還很有自信的以為可以用一天來完成這份考卷, 看來我錯了. 下午到了牙科診所去拔那顆在上額的智慧牙. 很可憐, 因為牙齒已經蛀了. 也好, 美麗的牙醫姊姊說, 這顆牙留著也沒用, 因為它本來就沒有作用, 還一直會壓到我下顎的牙齦. 現在牙齒還真的有點痛. 一座上那張椅子, 全身就不自在, 僵硬了起來. 牙醫姊姊說放輕鬆, 不痛的. 唉, 大家都一樣的啦, 吃東西是就什麼都不怕, 到了牙醫裁覺得原來這世界上還有這麼恐怖的的東西. 看來, 這回還真的要好好照顧牙齒了

Thursday, May 08, 2008

呵呵. 又好想很久沒有來了

當然, 現在的我, 已經畢業, 而且光明正大的用著Dr. Koh 了.哈哈.
已經開始新的學期了. 看著又一批新的臉孔, 好像又有了新的希望. 當然, 希望他們能在考試中考到好成績, 然後順利升上下個學期的課程.

HY問我, 當他們這一批出過後, 會不會很想念? 當然, 我是會想念的, 畢竟, 我還是很感性的男人. 但是, 生活還是一樣要繼續, 總不能一直把自己深埋在朋友離去的悲傷里吧? 去年, KL 也問我同樣的問題, 我說, 舊的一批離開了, 會有新的一批到來. 他們不能因為我而留下來, 而我不能因為他們到國外, 唯一的方法是把彼此收在心里, 期待他日再相聚.

緣分到了, 我們相遇, 緣分盡了, 我們分開. 聽似很簡單, 但又有幾個人能做到?