Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another Sunday, Another Thought

Another Sunday that I have a little time to sit down, and listen to myself. It's been long time since the last time that I am sitting quietly, listening to me telling my story, and listen me talking about my life. While reading my blog, there was a comment posted by Vanessa Arias , that she mentioned that she worked in Headingley Experience too. What a coincidence! Although I may not be knowing her directly, but I feel excited, as we worked at a place that had given me so much sweet memories! Was attending Jenny's Wedding yesterday, and met Yap Ping, Hamster, Jessica, Nelsson, Miao, Wang Yi, Kie Wei, Ai Ling and Kyaw Moe Tun Naing there. Yap Ping asked, "when was the last time we met?" "8 years ago, at the airport, when I was about to leave for UK," I said. It was a long time since we last meet. Also, it was going to be a long time since I come home from UK. It's going to be 3 years in December. Just wondering, are the people in UK doing good now? How's Headingley Experience now? Cricket season is over by now, I think. Hope that the Leeds Rhino is still the best team in the country. It was 2003 when I first join Headingley Experience, if I am not mistaken. Starting as the back of house member, where I met the best supervisor (yes, still, in my ranking, the best supervisor), Jason. Then went to the front of house once or twice, and then work with Liz, my the other boss, which is really good to me too! November 2006 I filled my leave form, and was rather sad to see that I was going to leave the stadium for a long long time. Now there are many occasions that will reminds me of the life in the stadium, such as songs that always been played on the radio during the match nights, a western cusine that I see in Malaysia, crickets, rugbys, even seeing my students going to Leeds. Yeah, one day, one day I'll be standing at the stadium, and waiving my hand, saying "hello!" to everyone (perhaps "hello motto") to Jason. Hope you are doing good - People in BOH (Jason, Ian, Andy, Jan, Joe, Sam...), in the office (Liz, Shaun, Janice, Fiona, Julie, Ellie, Tony...) in the Kitchen (James Bradley, Steph, Phil, James Key, Jamie, Barney......) and in front of house (James Haigh, Andy, Feona, Louise, Phil, Lydia, Rob, Tom, Emma, Adam, Jon, Natalie, ....) and many many people who is still, or who was in Headingley Experience. credit of video: xXYuNPoOXx