Saturday, November 27, 2010

Song for Whatever - No Worries

In my darkest days in my PhD road, this was the songs that I used to keep listening to motivate myself up.  Before I could receive my degree in my mortarboard, I knew that I had to walk alone, in a road that I didn't know where it ends.

I was lucky to have some friends around me that we could keep supporting each other - Grace, Lee, Yeaw Chu, Dinan, Pam, Rock, Rob to the later stage, Rupesh, Xiaxin and Carl, and many more.  Thanks to them for accompanying me to walk through that time.

I was always telling myself - no worries, these days will soon be over, and the new days will come soon; just keep holding on for a while.

So, friends, if you are in the darkest days in your life today, trust me, no worries, the days will soon be over and you'll be stand up again.


I just know your life's gonna change
Gonna get a little better
Even on the darkest day
I just know your life's gonna change
Gonna get a little further
Right until the feelings change
So, is this how it goes?
Think you've come this far with nothing to show
That ain't so, no
You don't see where you are
And if you don't look back you know you'll never know

Cause you think that you've been living, just treading water
And waiting in the wings for the show to begin
But I always see you searching
As you try that bit harder
Getting closer, oh yeah, to the life you're imagining

(I just know your life's gonna change)
Maybe not today, maybe not today
Some day soon you'll be all right
(I just know your life's gonna change)
Don't turn the other way, turn the other way
Feels like luck is on your side
(Just wanna live)
No worries, no worries
(Don't wanna die)
No worries, no worries
(Fight through the lows)
Say it for me, say it for me,
(And take all the highs)
We all need somebody
(Yeah we can sink)
No worries, no worries
(Or can you swim)
No worries, no worries
(Or walk on out)
Say it for me, say it for me,
(Or jump right in)
We all need somebody

So, baby keep drifting on
Your endeavours ain't just selfless wasted time
Seek and find, yeah yeah
You're not that far from what you've hoped and wished for all along

Cause you think that you've been living, just treading water
And waiting in the wings for the show to begin
But I always see you searching
As you try that bit harder
Getting closer, oh yeah, to the life you're imagining


I just know your life's gonna change
Say it for me, say it for me
We all need somebody

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mok and Toong's Wedding

Attended Mok's Wedding yesterday, and it was a wonderful day for me, as well as for my friends.

Having knowing him for 18 years, this was really an event that both myself and my friends were looking forward - we looked forward for the wedding reception, we looked forward for the gathering, and we looked forward for the great time that we were going  to have.

Sure enough, we had a great fun these two days.  Early in the morning, as any other wedding family will do,  sisters were at the bride's house, and brothers were at the groom's house.

The process of picking the bride up is, to me, the most enjoyable part of the day, as we all were really tricked by the sisters with flour, lemon + apple cider juice, bitter gourd juice, condense milk, chili biscuit, leg wax and so on.  Obviously these stuff doesn't sound funny, but I am sure we really enjoyed this.

The small gathering in the afternoon at the Heidi and Train Station was the great one that filled with never-ending jokes.

The Wedding Dinner reception was also a great event, where again we worked as a team to get it done.... From the registration to the MC to the "wine servant" to the technological support to the photographer and video shooter, we really make a good team in getting the event done.

I can't wait for the photos to be shared, and also looking forward for the next round of gathering, that we can continue the madness of being together.

To Ivan, Lai Tee, Keat Chew, Ching Ching, Tan Kiat, Jun Hong, Jimmy, Kok Kit, Jenny, Kah Woon, Zi Xean, Fiona, Chee Wei, Sua San, and many more, thanks a lot for the good memories, and let's hope for the many more.

Of course, to Mok and Toong, congratulations and may you be well and happy for the rest of the days!

People asked me, "So, when's your turn? " I replied with a smile - when the time comes, it comes.  Now let me enjoy my life with my first wife - my works!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


也让我想到有一次爸爸说要带我们到波德申海边玩,当时在吉隆坡姐姐家的我们都很高兴,还把救生圈、海边旅行的必需品搬出来,还充了气。一开车,爸爸就建议先去拜访在鹅麦的大姨妈。好了,全家到了鹅麦,拜访了大姨妈, 这时,爸爸竟然说,既然都在这里了,不如我们上云顶吧!可以想象,那一次,全家人,带着去海边的玩具(更别提那些已经充气的救生圈),穿着到海边的衣服,到了云顶。自从那次起,每当爸爸说要到什么地方,我们都会尽量准备各式各样的物品,以防目的地突然间又被爸爸换了……
是啊!我都忘了,曾经有一个戏棚。 就在寺的左边。喏,看,就在那个蓝色桶的的那个位子。
然后,妈妈又接着说,“那一年,我们就在那里摆了素宴,应该是为普照寺筹款吧。那天,刚下过雨,你就在那里玩泥巴,你爸爸就很生气的把你赶回家,你还自己坐巴士回家的,然后, 我们也没有想那么多,知道你在家里会自己主东西来吃,就没有管那么多。到了第二天,问到你吃什么,你就说‘吃面包啰’。我就说,你不会自己煮面吃吗?你就答了一句‘都没有么煤气,叫我怎样煮?’后来才发现你爸爸把家里的煤气都带出来了……”

Saturday, February 20, 2010


姊姊家附近的自願警衛隊在村里的小學開了一場賀歲新春聯歡晚會, 邀請了村里所有的居民觀看.   除了邀請到知名藝人來助興,籌委們也找到的贊助商來贊助這次的演出,而到場的村民都有機會嚐到好吃的沙爹、炒米粉、咖哩雞等美味的食物. 聯歡晚會開始的時間是傍晚7點,但村里的人過了7點才慢慢的從家中步行到學校的禮堂.華人對時間的觀念和拿捏,唉! 到了約8點,節目開始了. 一開始,就有了幾位從所謂的外地來助興的歌唱小組,跳了一支「歌劇魅影」 (The Phantom of the Opera)....一看就覺得好像少了什麼似的.細看之下,原來舞步節奏和音樂的節拍有些問題,歌曲是一支節奏很快的音樂〈當然也是「歌劇魅影」這支歌〉,但舞者的舞步卻是慢節奏的舞步... 然後,在看看他們的動作,就更加覺得他們沒有研究舞蹈的背景.提到「歌劇魅影」,大家都知道主角是面具──問題就出現在這裡.他們所用的面具是那種只把眼睛遮起來的那種(half mask),但大家都把面具“戴在”鼻子前面... 給人一種感覺怪怪加上不專業的感覺. 跳完了舞之後,就開始唱歌了.他們的歌聲也終於為他們挽回了少少顏面. 他們的聲色還真的是不錯,特別是那個唱歌的男生,聲音特別雄厚,音色也很棒.我還在想,如果他參加了學校的唱歌比賽,我一定給他很不錯的分數,他的音色比那時的參賽者好得多.那時的參賽者根本沒有比較的份.但聽他的聲音,他是夠資格出唱片的了. 看了看,除了他的台風有些遜色之外,他的音色是很不錯的;除了舞蹈有點濫之外,他的歌曲演藝是很棒的. 想到,每個人都是公平的,有些人勝在外型;有些人勝在聰慧;有些人就有特別的才能.就沒有見過有那一個人是什麼都沒有的.所以啊,當你被人家罵笨時,不代表你是一無所有的,看看自己有沒有什麼過人的優點吧.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


久違的黃小琥再推出專輯, 聽著聽著,還覺得不錯的,唱著唱著,還把現代人的愛情模式給唱出來了.


沒那麼簡單 就能找到 聊得來的伴 尤其是在 看過了那麼多的背叛 總是不安 只好強悍 誰謀殺了我的浪漫 It's not so easy to find the best lover to talk to Especially after seeing so much betrayal incidents Always feeling disturbed hence pretending to be strong But my romance has been obliterate 沒那麼簡單 就能去愛 別的全不看 變得實際 也許好也許壞各一半 不愛孤單 一久也習慣 不用擔心誰 也不用被誰管 It's not so easy to love without caring anything Being realistic may have its pros and cons Despite hating lonesome but getting used to it gradually There is no need to worry about and be interfered by someone 感覺快樂就忙東忙西 感覺累了就放空自己 別人說的話 隨便聽一聽 自己作決定 不想擁有太多情緒 一杯紅酒配電影 在周末晚上 關上了手機 舒服窩在沙發裡 Feeling happy, then be on the run Feeling tired, then relaxing oneself Don't care about others' words but but making decisions by oneself Don't like to be too emotional Watching movie with a glass of wine Turning off the mobile phone at Saturday night and lie in the sofa comfortably 相愛沒有那麼容易 每個人有他的脾氣 過了愛作夢的年紀 轟轟烈烈不如平靜 幸福沒有那麼容易 才會特別讓人著迷 什麼都不懂的年紀 曾經最掏心 所以最開心 曾經 想念最傷心 但卻最動心 的記憶 It's not easy to love truly and deeply as everyone has their own tempers Having undergone the age of daydreaming Staying in a peaceful life rather than going through ups and downs It's not easy to obtain happiness So it's easy to make people indulge Showing the truest heart in the most innocent age Owning the greatest pleasure Missing someone is the most grievous But it's the deepest moving memory

Monday, February 08, 2010

Derita Merindu

I was on my way back from my outstation in Penang. While tuning around the station to find a station with clear reception, this song was played in the air. There were many friends who don't like to listen to Malay radio station, as they are not able to appreciate the style, but perhaps this will help to change their perception to the Malay song. To me, this is definitely a great song, from the lyrics to the rhythm. So, have you changed your mind? Derita Merindu (

(Rap) Kau katakan cinta gunakan akal Bila aku gunakan, kau yang menyangkal Bagaimana nak kekal Kau katakan cinta gunakan minda Bila aku gunakan, kau yang tak percaya Bagaimana nak bahagia

Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi Menanti biar terus didustai

Kaulah bahagia (bagiku) Kaulah derita (bagimu) Esok lusamu Tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa

(Rap) Dan aku cuba sedaya upaya Telah ku usaha dengan sepenuh jiwa Bagaimana hendak ku lupa bayangan wajahmu selalu di depan mata harum baumu masih dapat ku hidu Bagaimana ingin aku membencimu Jikalau setiap hari merindu Sekiranya derita merinduimu itu sebenarnya bahagia.. Aku pilih derita..

Kaulah bahagia (bagiku) Kaulah derita (bagimu) Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa

Mungkinkah esok atau lusa walau biarpun lama Akan ku biar tiada ku tetap kan setia Entah bila akan tiba sampai jua harimu yang sama Esok seperti semalaman yang tak berubah

(Ulang) (2x) Kaulah tanda tanya.. kau tiada titik noktah Ku dibuai mimpi lena dikejut igau semula Kaulah tanda tanya.. kau tiada titik noktah Ku dibuai mimpi lena dikejut igau semula

(Rap) Seandainya kau berada di depan mata Mudah untuk aku berkata-kata Supaya dapatku melihat seraut wajahmu Walaupun belum tentu kau mahu bertemu Apalagi memandangku Setelah ku turutkan segala kemahuan kau mainkan perasaan Begitu mudah kau ucapkan terimalah saja kenyataan.. Aku masih terkilan

Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi Menanti biar terus didustai

Kaulah bahagia (bagiku) Kaulah derita (bagimu) Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa Kaulah bahagia (bagiku) Kaulah derita (bagimu) Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa

(Rap) Jika kau dapat memahami hati seorang perindu Baru kau tahu derita hatiku Jika suatu hari nanti giliran kau merindu Baru kau ingat derita diriku Segala yang berlaku bukan kemahuanku Apa gunanya bahgia Jikalau bahagia bersamamu hanyalah untuk sementara waktu Aku pilih derita merinduimu

Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi Menanti biar terus didustai

Kaulah bahagia (bagiku) Kaulah derita (bagimu) Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa Kaulah bahagia (bagiku) Kaulah derita (bagimu) Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa